13 sept 2008- The fear of flying is a level of anxiety that prevents a person from travelling on air. It can cause hell of a distress. It includes panic attacks or vomitting during the flight. The fear of flying may be created by various phobias and fears such as acrophobia (fear of heights), fear of hijacking and turbulence. There is a lot of people who still cloud their minds with this problem, which automatically creates a traumatizing experience during the flight. Even some slight misunderstanding of aviation concepts can cause unjustified fear of flying. For example, many people believe that a jet airliner such as Boeing 747's engine support the aeroplane in the air. Such false concept premise incorrectly reasoned that if the engines failed, it will cause the aircraft to crash to earth. In reality, do you know that aircrafts comes in a lot of sizes such as the Airbus a380, has the capabilty of gliding without engines and can cover up a hell of a lot of distances over the surface of the earth!Hhmm...turbulence..what exactly is that? Usually at certain portion of flight, we feel that the aircraft is slightly or heavily shaking . Did you noticed that sometimes when you look at other passengers, some of them which not a frequent flyer such as the makcik and nenek, they will close their eyes and praying when experiencing turbulence as if it is they are going to die. To me..it is very enjoyable to see them like that..hehe..turbulence are actually a separation of laminar airflow(normal airlow) that leads to turbulence airflow on the wing of the aircraft that will results of a slight buffeting.
In aviation this is a normal situation as an aircraft fly in uncertain wind condition or flying inside the clouds. By educating people about the realities of flying can considerably diminish their fears and overcome the fear of flying,to certain extend it wll build up confidence level and gain relief in flying. So guys and girls out there, there is no reason for you to let the fear clouded and control your mind. You need to fly away from the fear and come back to the reality as it is the right way to land yourself on the correct path of your destination. Today I've make a crosswind landing, pergh susah..but ok laa...at least I learned something new!

1 comment:
The grammar is getting better but some slight basics such as capital letter after full stop is not noticed.
Overall, grammar hancur but practice makes perfect!!
Bluek!! Fly me to the moon and back!
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