Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Diet Pills versus Will Power

30th july 08-Have you ever thought what it is like to be a plus size person? Me? I don't just think about it but I've already experienced it before. It has been such a hard journey for me to be stuck in a body filled with fats, cholesterol and cellulite. There was a day when I look in the mirror and see a fat person with no beauty inside me. I cried and try to find a way to get rid of all the excess fat in my body. I just want to be normal like all the guys out there. and be comfortable with my own image.Aafter I graduated from high school my weight got heavier each and every single day.Thank God I found a diet pill which wass introduced to me by an aviation doctor when I went for my medical check-ups. He warned me and asked me to take this pill name Adipex which will retard the temptation to eat but at the same time I must exercise which I think it is the hardest part of the diet programme.Guess what?I took the challenge and start a new beginning in my episode of life. The first week was really hard because I felt very tired but I don't have the temptation to eat anything and I've done a lot of house chores which I've never done befor. It was such a drastic change and even my family can notice it. I lost 5kg for the first week and it was worth the sacrifices made to drastically lose my weight but at the same time my body was having a shock. I could still remember when I went out my mom, she asked me"Ely nak mkn kat mane." I replied "tak nak la, dah kenyang." Before this my family called me tong sampah because I eat a lot till I'm really full. Months past, I lost hell of a lot of weight and its totally bring a lot of meaningful journey of my life. Lihatlah dunia!Iits a brand new me and a brand new attitude, I'm so proud of what I have achieved. Not just a non fat Hezly but a very matured person that even my parents can proud of. I have never been so comfortable to socialize and my level of confident, igher than the stake at Bursa Saham Malaysia. The best thing is I got a lot of new clothes for free (from my parents..duh its so called free). A lot of my friends tried this pill but it seems that its not working on them. I then asked them whether they done any exercise such as jogging like me. They replied, "takde mase la. malas la!" and all of the cheap excuses. At that point, I realised that I never made this far if it wasn't for my will power. My will to open a new chapter of my life. That is the only thing I can rely on, other than the diet pills. To me, it's a story of a struggle that I think not all of us have ever experienced it.I do treasure it deep inside my heart and take this as a motivational enhancer whenever i face new challenge and feeling down when something hit me. The day you lose it is when you stop believe in it. Hey!It's Hezly!!! Katakan tidak kepada masalah!! Syukur ke hadrat ALLAH SWT for his blessing. To my family and friends thanks for the support especially Mr Behonce Beh. Pandanglah, lihatlah! Tiru macam saya!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

a suprise birthday party!

24 july 2008-"hai hezly beh dah sampai?"that was the first word came out from zafira mouth when she reach my hse in all of sudden.i was quite shock at that time since ive got another visitor that time and suddenly they came out of nowhere.she told me that the reason she came here with fizie just because both of them are so boring and plan to PLAY board game and this thing so called "laughing gas" that 's actually a muscle relaxer spray.but to bad coz mr behonce beh couldnt join us that nite because he's in first fizie try it on his own and guess what he laughed like hell and all of my neighbourhood and the visitors thinks he's crazy or mental or something.because of my curiosity,it drive's me to try that laughing gas,at first, no effect coz i dont suck and smell it well just like fizie does,seconds later ive felt like the whole world is shaking and my body tingle then ive started to laugh,it was such a blast and im having a good time while zafira busy record it in her camera.zafira was a good cheater and discuss a lot of stupid thing such as "where did u download this mp3 song" and things happening around her which doesnt sounds like her thing.after a while i ask both of them to join me for dinner but both of them refused and ask me to wait coz "kononnya kenyang".its quite weird to hear that from both of them,fizie especially....suddenly mr behonce,ejat,lailah,feresh and nik nadia come out with my birthday cuppy cakes and believe it or not i am shocked never expect this to so touched was all planned by my dearest sister which has never been sweet to me before..ahahaha....but still, i love her and my future brother in law...(kena bodek sikit)...i really wanna express my gratitude and love to my friends and family who's been planned it just a day was such a great day for me myself and i...thanks a lot coz all of you have made my day!!-suprise,suprise jugak,hadiah takde ke?and plz make it annually and pretend that ive never inform u bout this..ahahaha

Monday, July 21, 2008

what lies behind the hole

22 july 2008-doughnut?It was introduced by dutch settlers in north America in the mid 19th century and now has become one of the most tantalizing and mouth watering food in the some parts of the world,people celebrate "doughnut's day" and i bet most of the people who celebrate it are just cant live without this food from heaven.but do you know what lies behind the hole?this is the naked truth that will make you think twice to put it in your mouth...doughnut are rich in trans fat which could bring a lot of problem such as coronary thrombosis and heart attack.the oil they used in some of the popular doughnut chains throughout the world is an artery clogging oil that can cause hell of a lot of health problem such as hypertension that can leads to severe damage of your artery America,the city health department ban all the doughnut chain stores to stop using trans fat as the ingredient and replaced it with something healthy.Dunkin' Donuts is the more severely affected company. It has more than 300 stores in the five boroughs, accounting for roughly $170 million in sales each this point i do think that we should have a proper diet program to maintain a healthy life and it doesn't matter how much you eat the doughnuts as long as you do your daily exercise routine because at the end of the day you are what you eat and we must remember that we eat to live and not live to eat.-dah berapa byk aku telan pun tak ingat..ahahaha

Sunday, July 20, 2008

tentang mencari duit

20 july 2008-its been 3 months im on holiday and that period are quite long for a non college or university student.well,im supposed to graduate on last april but because of poor management of hm aerospace(the owner himself is a stupid man surrounded by smart asses) im still stuck with the school..its been a kinda boring for u to wait without doing nothing on holiday and just depends on your parents to give your monthly allowwance.whether you are born in rich,moderate or poor family,at the end of the day you must learn to stand on your own and carry the image of an adult.some of my friend took this seriously and i do really proud of them,should i name them?duh..mohd ammar farahi- currently working in burberry boutique klcc,muhammad firdaus-currently working in british india boutique and both of them are future pilots.its either you are near or far away from home,you will build up your maturity and discipline till the end of your hormon get messed the end of the day we cant just depends on somebody else to do anything for is you who should start measure what life really is in a lot of different guys,learn to be an adult or otherwise dont get married!

cinta=complicated? only god knows..

20 julai 2008-for the last two days one of my girl friend(best not to mentioned her name)shared the story bout her crush towards a guy in college.from what i heard,she's kinda malu2 kucing to start dating him.oh men girls are just complicated,yg lelaki ni pula dah tunjuk sign yg dia minat kat my friend ni..dia beritahu ciri wanita yg dia nak kahwini and seems all of the ciri2 dah ada kat my friend ni.ok guys,in this situation who do you think should start approach first,should it be girl or the man?if i were her,i will definitely catch him and put him the love cage so that he wont run away,so girls!do the right thing,just follow your heart or your female intuition if the men makes ur palm sweaty,ur hearts beats faster and makes ur life miserable without him.just imagine if other girls capture his heart and u just duduk tersengih without doing nothing..if that's comes to me it is time to totally kick ass!!there's a pepatah in malay can describe this situation"bagaikan buaya tolak bangkai".akan rugilah hidup kalau tak ambil kesempatan yg kita ade.he maybe the right guy for u to settle down with in the future and he does not come in two or three......jadi tuan2 dan puan! lu pikirlah sendiri!!

hadiah daripada hati

17 julai 2008-betapa bertuahnya hari ini kerana masih menghirup udara dan mampu berdiri di atas bumi ini selama 20 tahun.saya sangat bersyukur ke hadrat ALLAH swt kerana diberi peluang untuk masih hidup di dunia ini.pada 17 julai yg lepas,saya menyambut hari jadi yg ke 20.selalunya mesti kita expect hadiah best dari famili and kawan2.but for me that expectation already fades inside me as i grow up first present for this year bday was from a great friend of mine beh kay hieng!! its not even worth a single cent for those who just dont understand what friendship really is.he wrote in his blog bout me that really touched my heart and it makes me think that im the luckiest person to have him as a friend.i just want to thank him for his 'so called' present..hehe which already make to the top list for greatest present in 20 years..and still counting...that actually doesnt require ringgit malaysia really thankful to have him as a friend even though were not in the same races or religion but we do have hearts to take care of.MORAL OF THE STORY:tak payah habis kan duit byk2 kalau nak beli hadiah kerana hadiah yg sebenarnya dtg dari hati yg suci bersih mcm sabun cap zaitun!