30th july 08-Have you ever thought what it is like to be a plus size person? Me? I don't just think about it but I've already experienced it before. It has been such a hard journey for me to be stuck in a body filled with fats, cholesterol and cellulite. There was a day when I look in the mirror and see a fat person with no beauty inside me. I cried and try to find a way to get rid of all the excess fat in my body. I just want to be normal like all the guys out there. and be comfortable with my own image.Aafter I graduated from high school my weight got heavier each and every single day.Thank God I found a diet pill which wass introduced to me by an aviation doctor when I went for my medical check-ups. He warned me and asked me to take this pill name Adipex which will retard the temptation to eat but at the same time I must exercise which I think it is the hardest part of the diet programme.

Guess what?I took the challenge and start a new beginning in my episode of life. The first week was really hard because I felt very tired but I don't have the temptation to eat anything and I've done a lot of house chores which I've never done befor. It was such a drastic change and even my family can notice it. I lost 5kg for the first week and it was worth the sacrifices made to drastically lose my weight but at the same time my body was having a shock. I could still remember when I went out my mom, she asked me"Ely nak mkn kat mane." I replied "tak nak la, dah kenyang." Before this my family called me
tong sampah because I eat a lot till I'm really full. Months past, I lost hell of a lot of weight and its totally bring a lot of meaningful journey of my life.
Lihatlah dunia!Iits a brand new me and a brand new attitude, I'm so proud of what I have achieved. Not just a non fat Hezly but a very matured person that even my parents can proud of. I have never been so comfortable to socialize and my level of confident, igher than the stake at Bursa Saham Malaysia. The best thing is I got a lot of new clothes for free (from my parents..duh its so called free). A lot of my friends tried this pill but it seems that its not working on them. I then asked them whether they done any exercise such as jogging like me. They replied, "takde mase la. malas la!" and all of the cheap excuses. At that point, I realised that I never made this far if it wasn't for my will power. My will to open a new chapter of my life. That is the only thing I can rely on, other than the diet pills. To me, it's a story of a struggle that I think not all of us have ever experienced it.

I do treasure it deep inside my heart and take this as a motivational enhancer whenever i face new challenge and feeling down when something hit me. The day you lose it is when you stop believe in it. Hey!It's Hezly!!! Katakan tidak kepada masalah!! Syukur ke hadrat ALLAH SWT for his blessing. To my family and friends thanks for the support especially
Mr Behonce Beh. Pandanglah, lihatlah! Tiru macam saya!