24 july 2008-"hai hezly beh dah sampai?"that was the first word came out from zafira mouth when she reach my hse in all of sudden.i was quite shock at that time since ive got another visitor that time and suddenly they came out of nowhere.she told me that the reason she came here with fizie just because both of them are so boring and plan to PLAY board game and this thing so called "laughing gas" that 's actually a muscle relaxer spray.

but to bad coz mr behonce beh couldnt join us that nite because he's in pj.at first fizie try it on his own and guess what he laughed like hell and all of my neighbourhood and the visitors thinks he's crazy or mental or something.because of my curiosity,it drive's me to try that laughing gas,at first, no effect coz i dont suck and smell it well just like fizie does,seconds later ive felt like the whole world is shaking and my body tingle then ive started to laugh,it was such a blast and im having a good time while zafira busy record it in her camera.

zafira was a good cheater and discuss a lot of stupid thing such as "where did u download this mp3 song" and things happening around her which doesnt sounds like her thing.after a while i ask both of them to join me for dinner but both of them refused and ask me to wait coz "kononnya kenyang".its quite weird to hear that from both of them,fizie especially....suddenly mr behonce,ejat,lailah,feresh and nik nadia come out with my birthday cuppy cakes and believe it or not i am shocked never expect this to happen

..im so touched btw..it was all planned by my dearest sister which has never been sweet to me before..ahahaha....but still, i love her and my future brother in law...(kena bodek sikit)...i really wanna express my gratitude and love to my friends and family who's been planned it just a day before.it was such a great day for me myself and i...thanks a lot coz all of you have made my day!!-suprise,suprise jugak,hadiah takde ke?and plz make it annually and pretend that ive never inform u bout this..ahahaha
sorry i dtg lambat that day!
n that laughing gas ..=hasma crazee
huhu... love u sayang...
this reminds me of my "surprise bday party" dt u guys did at ur hse. rmmber? *aiyo missing the old days*
wish i cld be der. anyway..HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY HEZZZZZLLLY~!
aisyahygchomel *P
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