17 julai 2008-betapa bertuahnya hari ini kerana masih menghirup udara dan mampu berdiri di atas bumi ini selama 20 tahun.saya sangat bersyukur ke hadrat ALLAH swt kerana diberi peluang untuk masih hidup di dunia ini.pada 17 julai yg lepas,saya menyambut hari jadi yg ke 20.selalunya mesti kita expect hadiah best dari famili and kawan2.but for me that expectation already fades inside me as i grow up everyday.my first present for this year bday was from a great friend of mine beh kay hieng!! its not even worth a single cent for those who just dont understand what friendship really is.he wrote in his blog bout me that really touched my heart and it makes me think that im the luckiest person to have him as a friend.i just want to thank him for his 'so called' present..hehe which already make to the top list for greatest present in 20 years..and still counting...that actually doesnt require ringgit malaysia pun.im really thankful to have him as a friend even though were not in the same races or religion but we do have hearts to take care of.MORAL OF THE STORY:tak payah habis kan duit byk2 kalau nak beli hadiah kerana hadiah yg sebenarnya dtg dari hati yg suci bersih mcm sabun cap zaitun!
1 comment:
Cap Zaitun! Gunakan tanpa was-was!!
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