22 july 2008-doughnut?It was introduced by dutch settlers in north America in the mid 19th century and now has become one of the most tantalizing and mouth watering food in the world.in some parts of the world,people celebrate "doughnut's day" and i bet most of the people who celebrate it are just cant live without this food from heaven.but do you know what lies behind the hole?this is the naked truth that will make you think twice to put it in your mouth...doughnut are rich in trans fat which could bring a lot of problem such as coronary thrombosis and heart attack.the oil they used in some of the popular doughnut chains throughout the world is an artery clogging oil that can cause hell of a lot of health problem such as hypertension that can leads to severe damage of your artery system.in America,the city health department ban all the doughnut chain stores to stop using trans fat as the ingredient and replaced it with something healthy.Dunkin' Donuts is the more severely affected company. It has more than 300 stores in the five boroughs, accounting for roughly $170 million in sales each year.at this point i do think that we should have a proper diet program to maintain a healthy life and it doesn't matter how much you eat the doughnuts as long as you do your daily exercise routine because at the end of the day you are what you eat and we must remember that we eat to live and not live to eat.-dah berapa byk aku telan pun tak ingat..ahahaha
TOO MANY GRAMMAR MISTAKE!!! KESIAN ENCIK SYED, anak murid dia english so broken!!
alamak... ni yg buat terfikir2 nak letak donat ni sebaris makanan kesukaan ku nih
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